Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Every man

Yeah yeah yeah if I hear Barak Obama say John McCain is out of touch with the every man once more I will scream. Because he must know what he is talking about because the "every man" hobnobs with the highest paid and most radical of celebrities. He has further alienated himself from the every man by falling victim to his own hype. These are the very celebrities that US Weekly celebrates who have millions in cash, assets and live a life of luxury off the sweat of the backs of thier fans. Most of them dont appreciate the fans who spend thier hard earned babysitting money or minium wage job money or middle class folks who dont have a lot to spare. Its disgusting. And I hate attacks ads on both sides, but if I were John McCain, I would show Obama rubbing elbows with the likes of Barbara Strisesand who charged more money to attend her event than most of us make in a year and say "now who is out of touch with the every man".

1 comment:

Ssssteve said...

It kills me that Barack is running ads like that, when he reported 4 million in earnings last year, I don't think that is "common man" wages! It think they say that is "the pot calling the kettle black"....oops, can I say black or would that be racist?!