Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another Day Another Stupid Person,2933,431617,00.html

Finally, someone is holding celebutards accountable for thier actions! I hate Sandra Bernhardt anyway because I think she is just obnoxious, but she made a nasty joke about Palin being gang raped in NY. And now that this organization is kicking her off thier bill for a show, she is saying she was taken out of context. How in the world does one make such a statement and then claim it was taken out of context? Bernhardt got what she deserved. Embarrassed and rightfully dismissed from performing at a womens shelter where some people have been victim to assault and would not take to kindly to hearing her joke about it at Palin's expense! Good for Rosie's place for looking out for the good of the every day people and for holding Hollywood accountable for their words for once. If only more people would come out and point out more wrong doings.....

Here is another story that gets my blood boiling. I have my own issues with teachers unions, but this is a blantant outright attempt to bully teachers into voting to the unions liking and wrongly persuading undecideds in the school and public. Supporting political candidates publically in the school is not for the teachers to do. They should encourage students to vote and be involved but not tell them who to vote for. I hope the parents stand up and are outraged by this act!

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