Friday, October 24, 2008

Actions speak louder than words. My mom taught me that!

I have election fatigue. Its what happens when Liberals spend all of their time, and now their money to spread lies and spin tales to the unknowing public. I cant write much more today because I have literally had it with trying to debunk the latest lies and tall tales and most importantly point out the obvious.

There is a report out now that the GOP campaign paid 150K for Sarah Palin's campaign wardrobe. And people are up in arms. Even Fox news reported on it. Will you give me a break?? When is this woman going to have to stop defending these stupid allegations. And what if it's true?? Who cares??? Because Barack Hussein Obama has shattered every campaign spending record to date. And just booked a 2 Million dollar extravaganza that will rival his DNC finale. No one is talking about that? Why??? Because he gets a free pass at everything. No one made a big deal about Biden's comment about Obama being tested in the first 6 months. MSNBC refused to air the comment. And the blundered CNN misquote from the reporter who was interviewing Palin was just removed from the air, they didnt even apologize to her. It's maddening and the fact that people are turning a blind eye to this mess makes me feel like I am the only sane person in a land full of people on LSD! Maybe watching too much CNN or MSNBC of NBC will do that to you. But I cant imagine the perks of watching the lowest rated news channels and networks. NBC came in behind 2 cooking shows! And last night was a serious demonstration in left winged media's agenda to get Barrack Hussein Obama elected.

Did anyone see the SNL skit? It was funny, I will give you that and they have done some skits including Obama in the past, but there were no paradies of him now. It was Will Ferrell posing as Bush and talking about his resounding endorsement of McCain. He looked into the camera and said, "when you are voting for McCain you are voting for Bush. Remember this face" It was terrible and one sided and NBC should have done another skit about Obama or some kind of fair sided parody. Will they? NO. They wont. But they WHINE AND MOAN about how Barack Hussein Obama gets hounded unfairly and treated bad. REALLY?!??! I dont think there is a terrible porn made to his likeness, horrible cartoons depicting him and his family, talk of his family or children?? And when he is ready to suspend his campaign for his sick grandmother, the press is practically driving him there. Another free pass for Obama.

I feel bad for his grandmother. I dont wish any harm or foul on her. She raised him and took care of him and has been portrayed as a strong and loving woman. Where he got his liberalism and black rage is a mystery to me, but nonetheless I am not and would not say anything against her. What I do want to point out is regardless of the reason why, he gets a free pass for coming off the trail and McCain gets pounded? Come on. McCain probably shouldnt have done it, but I can defend the move because a debate is not as important as the failing American economy. But he got berated for "not being able to multi-task". Well isnt this the same thing? I understand presidents have families and all families have crisis, but when you put on the President of the United States of America title, then you are President and that never stops. So this is just another example of him getting a free pass. The conservative reporters and GOP wont bring it up because they don't want to see cold. But it's a point worth making.

Thats all I can get through today. I can feel my blood pressure rising and I just dont want to get any more angry that I already am. John McCain is the right man for this country but people keep saying Obama is better for this and that. WHY??? How???? He hasnt done anything to prove this! He has no record!!! He was a FOUR year senator who spent TWO of those years campaigning. So what makes him better or more qualified? NOTHING!!! And you cant compare him to Palin because she is #2 and he is at the top if his ticket! Obama is running against McCain. Dont deflect people's attention by trying to put her at the top of the ticket. And if you do, then remind them that she has more Executive experience than he anyway!!

Actions speak louder than words. My mom taught me that!


jen. and jamie said...

Michele, I've been trying to read your blog, and trying to see your side of things. But the fact that you're using Obama's middle name throughout this one as if it's a bad thing makes it really hard to take you seriously. He is not Muslim. He is not a terrorist. He's just a man trying to save this country, the same as John McCain.

I'm not saying this to be mean and argue with you, but your tone and your use of his middle name implies an ignorance on your part. And it implies that you've fallen prey to scare tactics and I want to believe that you're better than that.

As a democrat, I like to read your blog because it gives me the other side. You've pointed out some things that I didn't know. You haven't changed my mind, but you have pointed things out. If you want to continue getting your message heard, I would advise you to think a little bit more before you type. This particular blog really makes me want to stop reading.

Michelle said...

Thank you for viewing my blog. I appreicate you for trying to be fair. I cant say the same for a lot of people. I admit that my anger at the ignorance of people swayed by the biased media might have led me to have a strong tone, but I have not fallen to scare tactics and I am not trying to do the same to others. It matters not that he is or is not Muslin, but his middle name is Hussein and his affiliations are dangerous as is his record for being the most liberal Senator.

Unlike the introduction of the Fairness Doctirne, I will use my blog as a conservative blog with my message only. It is me sounding my voice, my opinions and feelings as my constitutional right allows me to do. I certainly appreciate your concern and thank you for stopping by, but I put a great deal of thought into my blog and my message will not change. If you do not like my blog, then you are welcome to skip it.