Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I guess I am watching the Disney Channel tonight!
And people are hanging Sarah Palin dolls in effigy and calling her and her family names, ringing her through the coals and someone even made a porno tape with a look alike and when a serious news reporter asked Joe Biden to explain the spread the wealth theory he stormed off like a little girl and the Obama train shut down the network, banned them and shunned them and now they are sending people to go after the reporter like they did when they were pissed that Joe the Plumber asked his question! This is a preview people! Its scary! Open your eyes! If this man is elected and he is questioned, what is going to happen? Are we simply not allowed to ask questions that we need answers to? Is it ok to disgrace Palin but the mere questioning of Obama, when the left biased press hasnt been asking because the people want to know, is off limits. Hello? Am I the only one who is freaked out by this? Is he going to swear in on the korran and then wear his golden crown and turn this country into a doctatorship where the best way to make a living in this country is to quit your job and let the government and rich people take care of you? Open your eyes people!
Well although I have never put much into polls, I have noticed they are closing and with the margin of error, they are neck and neck. I think there are certain strongholds that Obama will get, but I think the heart and soul of this country is going to do the right thing and elect the man with a record, with heart, with character and the best judgement. The man who always put his country first! Vote John McCain!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Actions speak louder than words. My mom taught me that!
There is a report out now that the GOP campaign paid 150K for Sarah Palin's campaign wardrobe. And people are up in arms. Even Fox news reported on it. Will you give me a break?? When is this woman going to have to stop defending these stupid allegations. And what if it's true?? Who cares??? Because Barack Hussein Obama has shattered every campaign spending record to date. And just booked a 2 Million dollar extravaganza that will rival his DNC finale. No one is talking about that? Why??? Because he gets a free pass at everything. No one made a big deal about Biden's comment about Obama being tested in the first 6 months. MSNBC refused to air the comment. And the blundered CNN misquote from the reporter who was interviewing Palin was just removed from the air, they didnt even apologize to her. It's maddening and the fact that people are turning a blind eye to this mess makes me feel like I am the only sane person in a land full of people on LSD! Maybe watching too much CNN or MSNBC of NBC will do that to you. But I cant imagine the perks of watching the lowest rated news channels and networks. NBC came in behind 2 cooking shows! And last night was a serious demonstration in left winged media's agenda to get Barrack Hussein Obama elected.
Did anyone see the SNL skit? It was funny, I will give you that and they have done some skits including Obama in the past, but there were no paradies of him now. It was Will Ferrell posing as Bush and talking about his resounding endorsement of McCain. He looked into the camera and said, "when you are voting for McCain you are voting for Bush. Remember this face" It was terrible and one sided and NBC should have done another skit about Obama or some kind of fair sided parody. Will they? NO. They wont. But they WHINE AND MOAN about how Barack Hussein Obama gets hounded unfairly and treated bad. REALLY?!??! I dont think there is a terrible porn made to his likeness, horrible cartoons depicting him and his family, talk of his family or children?? And when he is ready to suspend his campaign for his sick grandmother, the press is practically driving him there. Another free pass for Obama.
I feel bad for his grandmother. I dont wish any harm or foul on her. She raised him and took care of him and has been portrayed as a strong and loving woman. Where he got his liberalism and black rage is a mystery to me, but nonetheless I am not and would not say anything against her. What I do want to point out is regardless of the reason why, he gets a free pass for coming off the trail and McCain gets pounded? Come on. McCain probably shouldnt have done it, but I can defend the move because a debate is not as important as the failing American economy. But he got berated for "not being able to multi-task". Well isnt this the same thing? I understand presidents have families and all families have crisis, but when you put on the President of the United States of America title, then you are President and that never stops. So this is just another example of him getting a free pass. The conservative reporters and GOP wont bring it up because they don't want to see cold. But it's a point worth making.
Thats all I can get through today. I can feel my blood pressure rising and I just dont want to get any more angry that I already am. John McCain is the right man for this country but people keep saying Obama is better for this and that. WHY??? How???? He hasnt done anything to prove this! He has no record!!! He was a FOUR year senator who spent TWO of those years campaigning. So what makes him better or more qualified? NOTHING!!! And you cant compare him to Palin because she is #2 and he is at the top if his ticket! Obama is running against McCain. Dont deflect people's attention by trying to put her at the top of the ticket. And if you do, then remind them that she has more Executive experience than he anyway!!
Actions speak louder than words. My mom taught me that!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Old Man Was on Fire Last Night!
John McCain came out swinging last night and got me fired up! He must have taken the advice of Dick Morris and Bill O'Reilly because he really came out and showed the American people why he is a great man and a better man for the job. I'm 100% sure the liberal media will cast him as angry after this debate which proves that in their eyes as well as in the eyes of their loony followers, he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. In the first two debates he was boring and in this he was not. So what do they want? Nothing will make them happy because their minds are made up. I thought he keep Obama on the defensive last night and as Mitt Romney put it, "if you are explaining, you are loosing." And finally he said all the things we so desperately wanted him to say. Which of course made Obama say the things we wanted the American people to hear, which was he is more of the same tax and spend liberal that we can not afford.
Let me make my strongest point before I get too involved in more discussion. There was one moment last night when Obama made it crystal clear what type of leader he would be. The question was wither or not he would appoint a Supreme Court Justice to the bench if that candidate was pro-life. The issue at this point is not where Obama stands on abortion but more about the fact that he would pass over a Supreme Court Justice candidate who had opposing views as he. So the fact that Justice's must rule from the bench and not the heart-to follow the Constitution does not mean anything to Obama. He would appoint the Supreme Court Justice based on his own personal belief. Regardless of if it's the death penalty or abortion or any other matter, you can not, as a leader, inject your personal beliefs on an appointment to the highest court in the nation. It proved to me last night that he is neither bi-partisan nor interested in being so ever. He is going to liberalize this nation and we will enter a winter from which there is no escape.
Now, for as anti-abortion as John McCain is and as strongly he feels Roe vs. Wade be overturned, he said he would never inject his personal beliefs into the appointment of a Supreme Court judge. He would appoint someone to the bench to rule from the bench based on the Constitution. I don’t know why the post debate analysis didn’t touch on this at all. They were just so happy that it came up that they didn’t talk about the bigger picture and that is how each candidate would make appointments. John McCain would appoint with the best interest of the Constitution and Obama would appoint for his party. And let’s be honest, if he gets a liberal Judge in there and restricts all ban on abortions, then all abortions early or late would take place. Essentially birth control. And I really was proud of McCain who brought up the ban on the medical care for children born to botched abortions. He should have gone further with it explaining to people that Obama blocked medical care for these babies who were born alive 4 times. 4 times. And babies, who were born alive from a botched abortion, to Barak Obama, should be left to die. It is an argument that both pro-life and pro-choice believers should agree on. If a child is born alive, it should be afforded the medical help to give it a fighting shot. If you do not agree then you can go right to hell.
I thought the Joe the Plumber thing was good. Once Obama put the "spread the wealth" comment out there the damage was done. People may not understand income re-distribution but they know what spread the wealth around means. I worked hard for what little I have. It is not the place of the federal government to take that away from me and give to someone who did nothing for it. Joe the Plumber should support John McCain if he wants to own his own business. And that’s a whole other issue for health care which I will discuss later. What I am getting at now is that McCain finally stood up to Obama and said "listen to his words". People are so gaga over his presence for whatever reason that they aren’t listening to what he has to say. I heard "blah blah blah blah tax and spend. Blah blah blah tax and spend." If there was ever an argument to be made about "more of the same" it is in the message for which Obama stands for. The same rhetoric that all Democrats make. I remember Bill Clinton saying something about not wanting to raise taxes too! He keeps saying we need to invest, we need to find, we need to.....etc. John McCain called him out on that too. Stop saying we need to invest in things and find solutions for. Throwing money at it isn’t going to solve anything. You have to stop what isn’t working. Period. John McCain is going to do that. Not waste my tax dollars funding new and useless projects.
One are that I did not think McCain went far enough was on Sara Palin and the charge that the Obama camp was dirty and disrespectful. He told us all very eloquently that being called a racist by the Senator, and I am sorry his name escapes me. He compared McCain/Palin to the likes of George Wallace. That was wrong and Obama should have issued a statement offering an apology and repudiated the statement and he did not. And when McCain called him on it, he tap danced around it and never actually apologized. Sure both camps are getting nasty and that is the nature and culture unfortunately of politics, but there are some things that are inappropriate and down right wrong and that was one of them. I watched McCain defend Obama at a rally and Obama should have done the same and he didn’t. Where I think McCain should have gone further was in the personal attacks against Sara Palin. How the Obama camp and his loonies are digging through her trash, calling her husband and family names and making obscene t-shirts and comments about her. It is disrespectful to her and he should call for an end to it. The claim that Biden made about her not being a good mom should have been repudiated as well.
The relationship section was another area I thought McCain held back on. He didn’t even mention the most convincing liberal anti-American relationship and that is the one with Rev. Wright. I have said time and time again that Obama publicly acknowledges a 20 year relationship with him. He gave counseling and guidance to Obama. Are you to tell me that in 20 years Obama never heard him talk like that? That Rev. Wright and Rev. Flagel who is worse, looked out in the pews to see if Obama was there before spewing this nonsense? NO. I don’t believe for one second that is true. And all of the sudden Obama distances himself from the Reverend for his own political safety. It doesn’t matter what religion Obama or any candidate is, the question is of judgment and character. Who you choose to surround yourself with and who has been influential on your life in the past and will do so in your future. And for a potential president of the USA has a personal reverend who says "God Damn America" then to me, that is unacceptable. I know because I read and follow politics that Bill Ayres bombed buildings long ago and Obama was not a part of it then. No one has made that connection and should not. The problem that I and many others have with the relationship is that IF Obama knew about the bombings and that Bill Ayres is unrepentant, then why would he associate with him? In 2001, Ayres said he wish he had bombed more than he did. So this is not a case of a rehabilited criminal. It is a man who no longer bombs, but isn’t sad that he did and wished he had done more. And Obama DID kick off his political career in Ayres's living room and they didn’t just meet a few times they worked on bills to get racially motivated legislation passed in Chicago as well as a "two times and your out" policy for dangerous juvenile delinquents! So if you kill someone or commit a dangerous crime you get a second chance to do it again before they want to prosecute you? The question is of character.
And I have to start a new paragraph on Acorn. Obama flinched when it came to Acorn and he flustered over the answer. I think he knew to be prepared for it but I don’t think he was convincing or honest. His campaign gave them thousands of dollars and he provided legal council for them. He didn’t mention that. They are under indictment in 10 states and he hasn’t said anything about that. And as a community non-profit, why is a candidate giving them such amounts of money and why are the accepting it. The Acorn people are trying to spin this as a Republican attack but they are only making themselves look foolish and basically hoping that Americans are too stupid to notice. Are you kidding me when you register people 70+ times and you make up false voter registration and you register criminals and dead people? Some how I don’t think that is a Republican scare tactic, that is a corrupt organization which needs to be shut down.
Ok, I have spent an hour out of my day doing this and I really need to get to work, so I will continue with part 2 later.....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
And I am the Winner!
And tonight is the night. I dont believe polls and I dont put much faith in the liberal main stream media. Of course they have Obama packed and ready to move into the White House already. But there is still three weeks until the election. October suprise or not, I believe the people are getting the message that this country can't afford to have an Obama presidency. Literally and figuratively. I wish the media would have paid more attention to the "spread the wealth" comments he made to the plumber this week. If that isnt the definition of re-distribution of wealth then I must go back and read the dictionary. Obama went on to say that he wanted everyone behind that plummer to have a chance. Well they do. It's called the American Dream. And it means if you want it and you work hard, you will be rewarded. The American Dream is not handed to you or taken from someone else.
That Democratic sense of entitlement will be the end of this country as we know it. There is nothing at all wrong with me saying, "I work hard for what little I have. It took me a long time and a lot of work to get here and it's mine and I want to keep more of it!" I give to charity and help those down on their luck but it is NOT my job to help those below me. Everyone has a fighting chance. It was harder for me to get student loans than a lower class or poverty level student. I had to work and go to school. I have had to work hard to get where I am. No one did it for me. So why then should those behind me get more of what I have? What did they do to earn it? Nothing. And who is to say that the millions who refuse to break out of the welfare cycle and get an honest job or training will do so? They wont. They make more on welfare and if someone is giving it to them, then why stop? I am not being racist or judgemental but I have worked in urban areas and I see the cycle.
Just like health care. I dont believe health care is a right. Just because you are alive and live in this country doesnt mean that you should get health care handed to you. It's not the federal government's job to determine who gets it. You get it through gainful employment or buy it out of pocket. It is a broken system and needs to be fixed and affordable, but it is not the right of everyone to have it. Just like it's not everyone's right to have a college degree, own a home or to be making 6 figures by the time they are 40. To quote the Weekly Standard and our most famous document, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." That means we are free and we have the right to pursue our lives. It doesnt say, that if you arent in a certain percentile the government will step in. Of course if Obama is elected..we can be sure that not only will it happen, but we will loose some rights as well. Be on the lookout for my Fairness Dcotrine criticism.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Columbus Day Parade

The little boy in that picture and his parents walked with us today. He was sharp as a tack, that little one. A promising look to the future. He praised a woman loudly for wearing a pope shirt for being pro-life. He spoke at length with Congressman Chris Smith and he also watched the debates! He had a better understanding of the state of America under an Obama presidency than the left wing lunatics on the Obama Express. I found his interest refreshing and promising that my future is in good hands!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
High Hopes
Back to the debate, I really am a little worried that McCain didnt do enough to explain the evils of an Obama presidency to the undecideds. I dont think he swayed anyone either way which is fine, but those who are on the fence are listening and he really needed to speak to them. I did notice that the Obama word of the night was "invest". Let's invest, we need to invest, we have to invest. Well the American people arent stupid. We can read between the lines. We know what that means. Investing means creating billions of dollars worth of new useless programs at the expense of the taxpayer. Investing isnt going to do anything but raise taxes. It sounds new and exciting but it is the same old song and dance of the Democrats and look where that got us Mr. Clinton!
So I agree with O'Reilly when he called this one a tie. And I hope and pray that he pulls out all the stops in the final campaign. Maybe that is when McCain is waiting to bring out the big guns. It will be the closest debate to the election and it will resignate on people's minds when they go to the booth on Nov. 4th. The polls arent scaring me, but the amount, or lack of information the people still dont know scares me. Someone asked me recently why McCain stands like he does. I thought everyone knew he was a POW and broken bones were a way of life for five and a half years. That means that not everyone is getting the message. The message needs to be more clear and pronounced and he needs to end the debate and campaign on that one message that people will really take home and sleep on. Does this country stand a chance with a radical left wing President and can we afford that shift? He needs to really seperate himself from Bush and prove that Obama's four more years mud slinging is just that. People are tired of Bush and I am one of them. McCain needs to make more mention of how he seperates from his party when the best interest of the people are at stake.
Finally, I want to say that those "hand selected" people in Nashville are by no means an accurate representation of Nashvillians. I was truely embarrassed when I saw and heard these people on the town hall. They were so terrible and hickish. I am suprised none of them came in Confederiate uniform. And I am disapointed in my man Brokaw. Who really seemed to love himself more than anything.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tonight's the Night
I promise I will use spell check also :)
Friday, October 3, 2008
And the winner is.....
Palin hit the nail on the head when she talked about healthcare. And sitting around the table wondering how she would pay for it. Biden tried to relate but got off mark and it backfired. Look, I am sorry his wife and daughter died. I wouldn’t want that for anyone and my heart goes out to him, but with all do respect, he cant relate because he was in the Senate already when it happened so he had the best healthcare coverage money could buy. So no Joe, you don’t get it.
She further excelled during talk about becoming energy independent. She even got accolades from Joe Biden which is good for her, not good for him. I think that was when she was at her best because she got in there, rolled up her sleeves and shook down a corrupt Alaskan government and big oil. The people don’t like fat cats. They hate every time they go to the pump that they have to get it to go to work and live, but they are filling the pockets of the rich guys. They also want to be independent from the Middle East. We have our own resources and she made the case for all "all of the above" approach to alternatives to fuel. Joe just kind of stumbled around.
She missed a few opportunities to go harder after Obama and some of his policies. They did a delicate dance around the issue of gay marriage. I am glad that Joe came out and finally declared that Obama and he would not support gay marriage. And the sound you heard after that was the sound of all of Hollywood falling off that bandwagon. That is the one major fundamental disagreement I have with my party. While I take a pretty hard right on most issues, I think that all humans should have equal rights and that means the ability to enter into marriage with whomever you love.
I also wish she had pointed out Obama's anti medical care for babies born of botched abortions. Basically he says if you can’t kill them in the womb, then let them die when they come out. It's atrocious and we can’t let the US take such a shift left. With this or any other issue. And we all know about the tax man. He is named Obama. I have read his tax plan. And for Biden to get up there and look into the camera and say Obama is not going to raise federal tax or estate tax or capital gains tax is just like when I tell the credit card company the check is in the mail. I am usually lying. The capital gains tax alone could destroy what’s barely left of the housing market. People would have to raise the cost of the homes to make any money once Obama gets a hold of them. I pay an absorbanent amount of property tax in a heavily corrupt and Democratic NJ state. We can’t afford any more taxes from the federal level. Everyone knows the Democratic way is Robin Hood. Steal from the rich to give to the poor, only the Democrats have a skewed view as to what the definition of rich is. If Obama is elected then my husband and I in the 100K combined household income range would be prime targets for him to rob to give to the poor. Well if he took a look at my bank account, he would clearly see we fall into that category! But it doesn’t matter and it’s not called fair Joe! It’s called a re-distribution of wealth. Why should I work hard to earn what little I have only to have to share it with those who don’t? That is not me being mean, that is saying it will only encourage the already corrupt culture of “government assistance” which we all know as welfare. What in the world would motivate someone to get a job and get off it when people like all of us will pay them not too. Welfare should be a temporary fix to an unfortunate situation. A hand out to help you get up. Not a way of life.
I heard a joke that best described this not too long ago about a daughter who comes home from college indoctrinated with liberal ideals. Her father reminded her that she got a 4.0 GPA that semester. He said, your roommate got a 1.0 GPA. Why don’t you go to the school and tell them you want to give her 2 of your points. The daughter said, “I worked hard for my scores. I studies every night and rarely went out. She partied all the time, never went to class and didn’t care”. And the father said, “Welcome to the Republican party!” That’s my favorite joke.
Joe Biden may have been able to rattle of facts and stats (again most of which were wrong and debunked moments afterwards by Karl Rove) but again 30+ years in the senate does not a good VP make. He was dull and lifeless, spoke mostly to Glenn and on the offensive all night. Palin was clean and fresh and spoke to the American people. I am sure the crazy coasts won’t appreciate it, but the people of OH sure seemed to appreciate it. I want someone on my side working for me. Not someone who is entrenched in the ways of Washington. I want someone to stand up and speak out for my rights and what’s good for me and I don’t care if it's not spoken with a Harvard dialect. Actions do speak louder than words. Voting records and speeches on tape don’t lie. I don’t want my president to sit down willy nilly with a terrorist dictator. The consequences would be dire. Especially since Obama's first action would be to cut the military. And if anything bad were to happen during an Obama presidency, he would blame Bush and his sheep would follow. WE NEED A GOVERNMENT OF ACCOUNTABILTY! And she proved that the last four years were not what John McCain wants to repeat and that they were blunders. I think that resonates loud and clear with the American people. Honesty. Admitting that the last four years were disastrous. I know. I live here too. I am disenfranchised with the Bush administration and the only thing that will change perception of him is if he hands the head of Bin Laden to be on a silver platter. But the fact that she admitted it and made the parallels of distinct differences the people can finally stop listening to the same old tired talking points of "4 more years". It’s the last bit of ammo that Obama has and even that is fading as we speak.
The polls this morning were resounding with support for Palin. She is the Palin from the RNC that we all fell in love with. I wish there were more debates so she could drive the nail into the coffin of Biden a little more. But I hope the McCain camp unleashes her fury and lets her talk on every program that will have her so she can get her message out there. It's not four more years. Its real change. Change that we so crave and deserve. Someone needs to check their self interest at the door and go to work with me in mind. That person is John McCain!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Another Day Another Stupid Person
Finally, someone is holding celebutards accountable for thier actions! I hate Sandra Bernhardt anyway because I think she is just obnoxious, but she made a nasty joke about Palin being gang raped in NY. And now that this organization is kicking her off thier bill for a show, she is saying she was taken out of context. How in the world does one make such a statement and then claim it was taken out of context? Bernhardt got what she deserved. Embarrassed and rightfully dismissed from performing at a womens shelter where some people have been victim to assault and would not take to kindly to hearing her joke about it at Palin's expense! Good for Rosie's place for looking out for the good of the every day people and for holding Hollywood accountable for their words for once. If only more people would come out and point out more wrong doings.....
Here is another story that gets my blood boiling. I have my own issues with teachers unions, but this is a blantant outright attempt to bully teachers into voting to the unions liking and wrongly persuading undecideds in the school and public. Supporting political candidates publically in the school is not for the teachers to do. They should encourage students to vote and be involved but not tell them who to vote for. I hope the parents stand up and are outraged by this act!
Tonight's Debate
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t upset by the idea of the moderator for tonight's VP debate having written a pro-Obama book already. I think it was irresponsible of her not to disclose to the debate committee that she has already written a pro-Obama book. I don’t know how in the world this got by them...or if it did, that they are ignoring it. I don’t think she can be fair and objective since she needs Obama to win for her book to be successful. I know Palin released a statement about how she thinks the moderator will be fair and objective, but that’s just playing nice. At some point tonight, if the moderator doesn’t acknowledge it, then Palin should.
Having said that, I don’t want to sound like a sore looser because the moderator is in the tank for Obama. I think Palin is going to do a great job if she loosens up and can be herself. The pit-bull we all saw at the RNC. I hope Biden goes in to the debate thinking he is more experienced and can win thing blindfolded and she drills him. I hope she is more ruthless than McCain was and rips into Biden about everything. About his comments about her not being a good mom, which would be an ace in the hole.
Also about how he voted differently on the war than Obama and the tax plan that would Fleece Americans-if I may borrow a phrase from Dick Morris. His plan for socialized medicine and slashing the military. I would love to hear her say, "so Joe, both of our sons are in ready to slash the military funding and have all hell break loose for an immediate pull out?" Then I wish she would say, so "when you were a single dad raising those two kids alone, did anyone question you about your ability to lead and be a good parent? And for that matter, when has anyone questioned Obama about being a good leader and a good parent?" I know these are triffle and insignifigant things, but she hasnt fought back and I would love to see her do that.
I would really love to see her throw down the gaunlet if the topic of abortion comes up. I know that Biden will question her in the worse possible scenerios but Palin should not falter. In fact she should deflect. How about talking about Obama voting no on a bill that would provide no health care for babies born from botched abortions. For the uneducated, that means that if the abortion doesnt "work" and the child is born alive, then he wants them to be left to die. So really, it's more like murder. Throw that in the voters faces and let them digest that one for a moment. It would really open the eyes of the undecided voters as to whats going on and how far to the left Obama wants to take this country one just some of the issues. We cant afford that.