Saturday, January 31, 2009

What's Good for the Goose???

Isn't that the saying? What's good for the goose is good for the gander? Which basically means if your president urges you to keep your heat low to conserve energy and save the planet then you would expect him to do so as well. Especially since our tax dollars are paying that electric bill. Well with Obama we have learned that he is the second coming, can walk on water, cure cancer and gets cold very easy.

Well apparently, Mr. President may want us to keep our thermostats down to save the planet and conserve energy but he gets a free pass because he is from Hawaii?? This week, his senior adviser, David Axelrod, was asked about the temperature in the White House and he didn't even bother to spin it. He said,

“He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.” Now is that a slap in the face to all Americans or what? So what if he is from Hawaii? "

He was a Senator from Chicago, a city notorious for cold blistery winters. Where is the outrage? Where is Al Gore when you need him??

This is the double standard I was talking about before he was elected. If this were Bush, the tree huggers would be launching a full attack on the White House with demonstrations and somehow the ACLU would get called in and then Al Sharpton would show up and it would be a national headline. Every American would lash out for having to make such sacrifices when he did not. Well this isn't Bush anymore and we see this is the start to a long four years of excuses and get out of jail free cards. I wonder how long the public will stand for this type of hypocrisy at its finest? If you tell us what how to conserve then you damn well better get out your sweater Mr. Obama cause if I am freezing, you are going to freeze too!

In one more rant about double standards let's look at two similar scenarios. When Bush was in a foreign country and was locked out and couldn't get through the door and this week when Obama mistook a window for a door. The difference is the press. Bush was a laughingstock and made fun of. Obama's mishap was endearing and he got a pass cause "he's the new guy". IF anyone tries to tell me there is no media bias, then I will scream. It is such a double standard that it's not even funny. The American people aren't stupid. Hopefully their eyes will open to what's really happening in Washington and wont make the same mistake in 2012!

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