Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tom Daschle May or May Not have had some "Tax Problems"

I am beginning to think that all of Obama's appointments have either been in the Clinton White House or are involved in some shady and corrupt scandals. The latest falls into the later category. Former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle is tapped to be the new Head of Department of Health and Human Services. And they have openly admitted they are aware he may have some "tax issues". It is reported that he failed to report $$128,203 in back taxes and $11,964 in interest, car service totaling more than $250,000, and also unreported consulting income of $88,333, in 2007. Well, let me tell you, when I don't pay my taxes, the government doesn't call it "tax issues" they call it failure to pay taxes and I get in trouble. In this case, it gets Daschle appointed head of Dept. of Health and Human Services. Funny how that works isn't it? How can be be the right man for the job when he is taking money fist over hand from speaking engagements at health care companies that would benefit from his appointment?

This isn't the first loon with "tax issues". Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, recently appointed by Obama failed to pay almost 35K in taxes as a result of what he called a "careless" error. Hasn't anyone heard of HR Block? Wow these people are either crooked or stupid. Well, in this case they could be both. If he keeps appointing idiots who go on to say stupid things, then I am going to run out of time in the day to write about them!

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