Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My New President

Well I guess we all saw it coming and had pretty much come to terms with it. So it wasnt a big shocker when Obama became our president last night. I had prepared for it. His speech was elequent and he did go ahead and lower his expectations so I dont think he will be able to keep his campaign promises...politicians very rarely do. But he is my president. I didnt vote for him and I am not happy about it but he is my president and I will give him the chance to prove me wrong. I love America way more than I dislike Obama.

We will see over the coming months as he appoints his cabinet if he stays true to his ultra liberal roots or if he continues to move to the center as he did throughout his campaign to please the majority and get elected for a 2nd term. I will continue to blog and keep my loyalty to God, Family, Country and maintain my conservative beliefs.

In good news, Lamar Alexader and Marsha Blackburn won the senate seats in TN and Chris Smith was re-elected in NJ. So we have enough Republicans in play for a fillibuster. Now we move forward as a nation hopefully united and see where this takes us.

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