John McCain came out swinging last night and got me fired up! He must have taken the advice of Dick Morris and Bill O'Reilly because he really came out and showed the American people why he is a great man and a better man for the job. I'm 100% sure the liberal media will cast him as angry after this debate which proves that in their eyes as well as in the eyes of their loony followers, he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. In the first two debates he was boring and in this he was not. So what do they want? Nothing will make them happy because their minds are made up. I thought he keep Obama on the defensive last night and as Mitt Romney put it, "if you are explaining, you are loosing." And finally he said all the things we so desperately wanted him to say. Which of course made Obama say the things we wanted the American people to hear, which was he is more of the same tax and spend liberal that we can not afford.
Let me make my strongest point before I get too involved in more discussion. There was one moment last night when Obama made it crystal clear what type of leader he would be. The question was wither or not he would appoint a Supreme Court Justice to the bench if that candidate was pro-life. The issue at this point is not where Obama stands on abortion but more about the fact that he would pass over a Supreme Court Justice candidate who had opposing views as he. So the fact that Justice's must rule from the bench and not the heart-to follow the Constitution does not mean anything to Obama. He would appoint the Supreme Court Justice based on his own personal belief. Regardless of if it's the death penalty or abortion or any other matter, you can not, as a leader, inject your personal beliefs on an appointment to the highest court in the nation. It proved to me last night that he is neither bi-partisan nor interested in being so ever. He is going to liberalize this nation and we will enter a winter from which there is no escape.
Now, for as anti-abortion as John McCain is and as strongly he feels Roe vs. Wade be overturned, he said he would never inject his personal beliefs into the appointment of a Supreme Court judge. He would appoint someone to the bench to rule from the bench based on the Constitution. I don’t know why the post debate analysis didn’t touch on this at all. They were just so happy that it came up that they didn’t talk about the bigger picture and that is how each candidate would make appointments. John McCain would appoint with the best interest of the Constitution and Obama would appoint for his party. And let’s be honest, if he gets a liberal Judge in there and restricts all ban on abortions, then all abortions early or late would take place. Essentially birth control. And I really was proud of McCain who brought up the ban on the medical care for children born to botched abortions. He should have gone further with it explaining to people that Obama blocked medical care for these babies who were born alive 4 times. 4 times. And babies, who were born alive from a botched abortion, to Barak Obama, should be left to die. It is an argument that both pro-life and pro-choice believers should agree on. If a child is born alive, it should be afforded the medical help to give it a fighting shot. If you do not agree then you can go right to hell.
I thought the Joe the Plumber thing was good. Once Obama put the "spread the wealth" comment out there the damage was done. People may not understand income re-distribution but they know what spread the wealth around means. I worked hard for what little I have. It is not the place of the federal government to take that away from me and give to someone who did nothing for it. Joe the Plumber should support John McCain if he wants to own his own business. And that’s a whole other issue for health care which I will discuss later. What I am getting at now is that McCain finally stood up to Obama and said "listen to his words". People are so gaga over his presence for whatever reason that they aren’t listening to what he has to say. I heard "blah blah blah blah tax and spend. Blah blah blah tax and spend." If there was ever an argument to be made about "more of the same" it is in the message for which Obama stands for. The same rhetoric that all Democrats make. I remember Bill Clinton saying something about not wanting to raise taxes too! He keeps saying we need to invest, we need to find, we need to.....etc. John McCain called him out on that too. Stop saying we need to invest in things and find solutions for. Throwing money at it isn’t going to solve anything. You have to stop what isn’t working. Period. John McCain is going to do that. Not waste my tax dollars funding new and useless projects.
One are that I did not think McCain went far enough was on Sara Palin and the charge that the Obama camp was dirty and disrespectful. He told us all very eloquently that being called a racist by the Senator, and I am sorry his name escapes me. He compared McCain/Palin to the likes of George Wallace. That was wrong and Obama should have issued a statement offering an apology and repudiated the statement and he did not. And when McCain called him on it, he tap danced around it and never actually apologized. Sure both camps are getting nasty and that is the nature and culture unfortunately of politics, but there are some things that are inappropriate and down right wrong and that was one of them. I watched McCain defend Obama at a rally and Obama should have done the same and he didn’t. Where I think McCain should have gone further was in the personal attacks against Sara Palin. How the Obama camp and his loonies are digging through her trash, calling her husband and family names and making obscene t-shirts and comments about her. It is disrespectful to her and he should call for an end to it. The claim that Biden made about her not being a good mom should have been repudiated as well.
The relationship section was another area I thought McCain held back on. He didn’t even mention the most convincing liberal anti-American relationship and that is the one with Rev. Wright. I have said time and time again that Obama publicly acknowledges a 20 year relationship with him. He gave counseling and guidance to Obama. Are you to tell me that in 20 years Obama never heard him talk like that? That Rev. Wright and Rev. Flagel who is worse, looked out in the pews to see if Obama was there before spewing this nonsense? NO. I don’t believe for one second that is true. And all of the sudden Obama distances himself from the Reverend for his own political safety. It doesn’t matter what religion Obama or any candidate is, the question is of judgment and character. Who you choose to surround yourself with and who has been influential on your life in the past and will do so in your future. And for a potential president of the USA has a personal reverend who says "God Damn America" then to me, that is unacceptable. I know because I read and follow politics that Bill Ayres bombed buildings long ago and Obama was not a part of it then. No one has made that connection and should not. The problem that I and many others have with the relationship is that IF Obama knew about the bombings and that Bill Ayres is unrepentant, then why would he associate with him? In 2001, Ayres said he wish he had bombed more than he did. So this is not a case of a rehabilited criminal. It is a man who no longer bombs, but isn’t sad that he did and wished he had done more. And Obama DID kick off his political career in Ayres's living room and they didn’t just meet a few times they worked on bills to get racially motivated legislation passed in Chicago as well as a "two times and your out" policy for dangerous juvenile delinquents! So if you kill someone or commit a dangerous crime you get a second chance to do it again before they want to prosecute you? The question is of character.
And I have to start a new paragraph on Acorn. Obama flinched when it came to Acorn and he flustered over the answer. I think he knew to be prepared for it but I don’t think he was convincing or honest. His campaign gave them thousands of dollars and he provided legal council for them. He didn’t mention that. They are under indictment in 10 states and he hasn’t said anything about that. And as a community non-profit, why is a candidate giving them such amounts of money and why are the accepting it. The Acorn people are trying to spin this as a Republican attack but they are only making themselves look foolish and basically hoping that Americans are too stupid to notice. Are you kidding me when you register people 70+ times and you make up false voter registration and you register criminals and dead people? Some how I don’t think that is a Republican scare tactic, that is a corrupt organization which needs to be shut down.
Ok, I have spent an hour out of my day doing this and I really need to get to work, so I will continue with part 2 later.....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Old Man Was on Fire Last Night!
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