Today I had the unique opportunity to walk with Congressman Chris Smith in the Hamilton Columbus Day parade. I showed up to headquaters this morning instead of the fire house as instructed and got to ride to the parade with the Congressman, where we talked shop. He asked me point out what I thought of the bailout. I told him bluntly I didnt support it and I thought that the companies and greedy CEO's should have been held accountable. He voted against the bailout and agreed. We talked shop for a few more blocks. I felt like a rockstar. Only I would get nerdy about riding with a Congressman. But it re-affirmed my support for his re-election. He is a friend of the veterans which was obvious every time we past a group of them. They called his name and offered hugs and handshakes. The elderly waved to him and he would rush over to talk to them and really listened to them. And most of the volunteers today were under 25 which is a promising view of the youth of America today. They arent all selfish entitled brats. We all discussed the importance of this election and the dangers of an Obama presidency. The world socialist came up alot. People really are scared.
What also was also re-established was a sense of community. I love my small town. Yeah yeah I live in Jersey minutes from the turnpike and all, but you would be suprised by the lanscape of New Jersey once you go south of the 95 cooridor. We are a small town. And while I am still new here, I saw people greeting each other, generations relating to one another. Shop owners and church goers picking up where they left off. It is the type of community that I realize I have been desiring for so long. I left a small town down south because I wanted to be in the big bad city. While I am still a city girl at heart, I love the fact that the same two old men sit outside my Dunkin Donuts and now that the Phils are winning, that crowd has grown. The kids inside DD know my order by heart. I love that I know all my neighbors and we look out for one another and when I do have children I know they will be in good company.
But the reason I went off on that tangent is because the Congressman and the McCain/Palin ticket brings back that feeling not felt with the Bush administration. I think I can speak for most of America when I say we felt like he wasnt looking out for us and our interest wasnt at heart. I think this ticket represents a present that looks a lot like better times in the past. Neighbor helping neighbor, all going through the same things. No entitlement, just hard working people wanting to hold on to what little they have and save a little if they can. And I think the Congressman and McCain/Palin want to see that too.
The little boy in that picture and his parents walked with us today. He was sharp as a tack, that little one. A promising look to the future. He praised a woman loudly for wearing a pope shirt for being pro-life. He spoke at length with Congressman Chris Smith and he also watched the debates! He had a better understanding of the state of America under an Obama presidency than the left wing lunatics on the Obama Express. I found his interest refreshing and promising that my future is in good hands!
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