I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I, like others in the base, were a little concerned going into last night's debate with Palin. She had been locked away from the media by her handlers and the few sound bites we had unfortunately were not good. So maybe it worked to her advantage because expectations were low. She really did drill it home last night...pardon the pun. Look, it's no secret she doesn’t have 30+ years in the Senate with foreign policy experience....but neither does Obama! So she didn’t argue where she couldn’t. But she knows her stuff. And 30+ years in the senate does not a good VP make! Where she excelled was healthcare, education and energy. She spoke with that same mid-western straight talk my mom does and waved her finger at Joe Biden. It got under his skin. And when she needed to be comforting she was. It wasn’t fluff or show. It was the breath of fresh air the people want. They don’t want someone who can rattle off stats and facts (most of which were wrong and flat out lies). They want someone who knows where they are RIGHT now.
Palin hit the nail on the head when she talked about healthcare. And sitting around the table wondering how she would pay for it. Biden tried to relate but got off mark and it backfired. Look, I am sorry his wife and daughter died. I wouldn’t want that for anyone and my heart goes out to him, but with all do respect, he cant relate because he was in the Senate already when it happened so he had the best healthcare coverage money could buy. So no Joe, you don’t get it.
She further excelled during talk about becoming energy independent. She even got accolades from Joe Biden which is good for her, not good for him. I think that was when she was at her best because she got in there, rolled up her sleeves and shook down a corrupt Alaskan government and big oil. The people don’t like fat cats. They hate every time they go to the pump that they have to get it to go to work and live, but they are filling the pockets of the rich guys. They also want to be independent from the Middle East. We have our own resources and she made the case for all "all of the above" approach to alternatives to fuel. Joe just kind of stumbled around.
She missed a few opportunities to go harder after Obama and some of his policies. They did a delicate dance around the issue of gay marriage. I am glad that Joe came out and finally declared that Obama and he would not support gay marriage. And the sound you heard after that was the sound of all of Hollywood falling off that bandwagon. That is the one major fundamental disagreement I have with my party. While I take a pretty hard right on most issues, I think that all humans should have equal rights and that means the ability to enter into marriage with whomever you love.
I also wish she had pointed out Obama's anti medical care for babies born of botched abortions. Basically he says if you can’t kill them in the womb, then let them die when they come out. It's atrocious and we can’t let the US take such a shift left. With this or any other issue. And we all know about the tax man. He is named Obama. I have read his tax plan. And for Biden to get up there and look into the camera and say Obama is not going to raise federal tax or estate tax or capital gains tax is just like when I tell the credit card company the check is in the mail. I am usually lying. The capital gains tax alone could destroy what’s barely left of the housing market. People would have to raise the cost of the homes to make any money once Obama gets a hold of them. I pay an absorbanent amount of property tax in a heavily corrupt and Democratic NJ state. We can’t afford any more taxes from the federal level. Everyone knows the Democratic way is Robin Hood. Steal from the rich to give to the poor, only the Democrats have a skewed view as to what the definition of rich is. If Obama is elected then my husband and I in the 100K combined household income range would be prime targets for him to rob to give to the poor. Well if he took a look at my bank account, he would clearly see we fall into that category! But it doesn’t matter and it’s not called fair Joe! It’s called a re-distribution of wealth. Why should I work hard to earn what little I have only to have to share it with those who don’t? That is not me being mean, that is saying it will only encourage the already corrupt culture of “government assistance” which we all know as welfare. What in the world would motivate someone to get a job and get off it when people like all of us will pay them not too. Welfare should be a temporary fix to an unfortunate situation. A hand out to help you get up. Not a way of life.
I heard a joke that best described this not too long ago about a daughter who comes home from college indoctrinated with liberal ideals. Her father reminded her that she got a 4.0 GPA that semester. He said, your roommate got a 1.0 GPA. Why don’t you go to the school and tell them you want to give her 2 of your points. The daughter said, “I worked hard for my scores. I studies every night and rarely went out. She partied all the time, never went to class and didn’t care”. And the father said, “Welcome to the Republican party!” That’s my favorite joke.
Joe Biden may have been able to rattle of facts and stats (again most of which were wrong and debunked moments afterwards by Karl Rove) but again 30+ years in the senate does not a good VP make. He was dull and lifeless, spoke mostly to Glenn and on the offensive all night. Palin was clean and fresh and spoke to the American people. I am sure the crazy coasts won’t appreciate it, but the people of OH sure seemed to appreciate it. I want someone on my side working for me. Not someone who is entrenched in the ways of Washington. I want someone to stand up and speak out for my rights and what’s good for me and I don’t care if it's not spoken with a Harvard dialect. Actions do speak louder than words. Voting records and speeches on tape don’t lie. I don’t want my president to sit down willy nilly with a terrorist dictator. The consequences would be dire. Especially since Obama's first action would be to cut the military. And if anything bad were to happen during an Obama presidency, he would blame Bush and his sheep would follow. WE NEED A GOVERNMENT OF ACCOUNTABILTY! And she proved that the last four years were not what John McCain wants to repeat and that they were blunders. I think that resonates loud and clear with the American people. Honesty. Admitting that the last four years were disastrous. I know. I live here too. I am disenfranchised with the Bush administration and the only thing that will change perception of him is if he hands the head of Bin Laden to be on a silver platter. But the fact that she admitted it and made the parallels of distinct differences the people can finally stop listening to the same old tired talking points of "4 more years". It’s the last bit of ammo that Obama has and even that is fading as we speak.
The polls this morning were resounding with support for Palin. She is the Palin from the RNC that we all fell in love with. I wish there were more debates so she could drive the nail into the coffin of Biden a little more. But I hope the McCain camp unleashes her fury and lets her talk on every program that will have her so she can get her message out there. It's not four more years. Its real change. Change that we so crave and deserve. Someone needs to check their self interest at the door and go to work with me in mind. That person is John McCain!
Friday, October 3, 2008
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