Thursday, January 22, 2009

File this Under WTF?!?!

Obama watch Day 2. The hangover is complete and he has started working. And I will be here disecting everything good and bad. I meant what I said before, about us all coming together for the greater good of the country, but I am still free to speak my mind about the president's action. As far as I can tell, my first ammendment rights havent been taken away.....yet. Give Pelosi some time though....

So this one goes in the WTF category. Obama has promised and delivered on cutting wasteful spending in Washington. Yesterday he froze salaries of those making over 100K a year pending review. Good for him. He cut wasteful spending . He then issued a reversal of a ban on federal funding for non-governmental organizations working outside the U.S. that offer abortions or abortion counseling. So I am left scratching my head on that one.

Of course the big thing is the closing of Gitmo and the ceasing of military trials for the prisoners. Let's just step back and think about this. Anyone who thought Obama would be a centrist is now flinching. He is favoring his left winged liberal roots in full glory. He is basically flicking off the families of 9/11 victims AND those of soldiers killed or wonded in the war by saying these animals have rights???? Why dont you just do the same for the American penal system too? Hell lets give rights to all the rapists, child molesters, bank robbers and terrorists. Welcome to the next four years of our lives. Bush may not have been in favor with the liberals, but at least he kept them safe. I am making sure my mace is up to date and staying away from tall buildings! Below is a break out of the grouping the adminstration wants to lump these dangerous terrorists in to:

"Administration officials indicated they do not want detainees outside of the U.S. to get habeas corpus rights or rights similar to those enjoyed by U.S. citizens. The Obama administration will likely go to Congress for what it wants to accomplish. The order will direct that all information regarding the remaining 245 detainees be consolidated in a central repository and will create a panel to review those cases and split the detainees up into three categories......

Category one is comprised of the 70 detainees that President Bush sought to repatriate but couldn't because no country wants them, and they would likely be tortured at home. The Obama administration believes they can get foreign countries to take them." WTF????? Dump terrorists into the hands of other terrorists? What kind of kool aid has he been drinking????

Category two is the group of detainees that can be prosecuted under war crimes in Article III courts — federal courts designed to address cases that involve citizens of other countries — or tried in modified military commissions. This includes Sept. 11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammad. The administration would seek a stay on habeas petitions in Article III courts and continuances on the ongoing military commissions.

Category three is made up of detainees who can't be released and can't be tried. The thought is to create a panel, which could turn into a national security court, to handle these future highest-value detainees to determine prospective policy since terrorists like Al Qaeda chief Usama bin Laden will continue to be caught. When the govt creates a panel, nothing good comes out of it. A bunch of left wing weenies sitting in a room crying about civil liberties can do no good here!!!

Day 3 and I already dont feel safe!

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