Thursday, November 13, 2008

Finally, the media has come to accept that Sarah Palin is not the dumb lady they wanted everyone to think she was. She was unfairly treated by the media and its high time that she got some apologies and some recognition. I dont think she is going anywhere and they are going to have to get used to her being a GOP favorite. If I were her, I would take her Gov spot until 2010 and then run for Stevens's Senate seat and give it about 8 years. I think she could get back and that time, be on the top of the ticket. I am glad to see the GOP regrouping, refocusing and gathering their wits about them. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise, although looking at the reaction on Wall Street, the Obama kool aid seems to be wearing off. He cant make sharp left decisions and blame the economy for too long! We shall see.

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